Design and Building Department INO "IQC"
Design and building license № GS-1-40-02-26-0-4025078743-002771-1
Main activities:
I. Building and structure design, responsibility levels 1 and 2. Development of design documentation issues related to construction of buildings and structures and their complexes:
- General layout and transport:
- General layouts (schemes of general layouts) of the territory in the vicinity of buildings, structures and their complexes
- Schemes and designs of engineering and transportation infrastructure
- Schemes (designs) of the land improvement in the vicinity of buildings, structures and their complexes:
- greenery planting
- engineering preparation of the land
- Architecture and building solutions:
- Architecture (layouts, profiles, elevations)
- Design solutions:
- foundations
- load-bearing and walling structures
- Technological solutions:
- Public buildings and structures and their complexes for:
- educational, pedagogical activities and personnel training
- scientific and research institutes, design, public and management organizations
- public health and rest services
- physical training and sports clubs
- entertainment, cultural and educational institutions
- shopping centers, public catering and consumer services
- public servicing transport
- public utilities (except manufacturing, storage and transport buildings and structures)
- temple complexes, religious buildings and structures, memorials
- Manufacturing buildings and structure and their complexes for:
- construction materials
- building industry
- road-building and motor-transport services
- Engineering equipment, networks and systems:
- Heating, ventilation and conditioning
- Water supply and sewerage
- Heat supply
- Electric power supply up to 1 kV inclusive
- Electrical equipment, electrical lighting
- Communication and signalling systems
- Radio and television installation
- Supervision, automation and management of engineering systems
- Mechanization and transport for inside facility use
- Special issues of design documentation:
- Cost-estimate documentation
II. Functions of General Designer:
- Execution of design activities related to the buildings, constructions and their complexes of the following types:
- Housing buildings and their complexes:
- 4-storied buildings inclusive
- special housing buildings (dormitories, houses for low-mobile groups of population)
- Public buildings and structures and their complexes
- Manufacturing buildings and structures and their complexes
- Agricultural buildings and their complexes
- Building on the territory with engineering and geological conditions: