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Section 5 Financing of state standardization, state control and supervision, stimulation for application of state standards Article 15. Financing of state standardization, state control and supervision. 1. The following is subject to mandatory state financing: development of state standards specifying mandatory requirements as stipulated by legislation of the Russian Federation, all-Russian classifiers for technical and economic information, preparation and publication of official information on them as well as information on publication of these documents for distribution to all concerned users; development and (or) participation in the development of international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization; development of draft legislative acts of the Russian Federation for specific objects of standardization as well as development and support for functioning of fundamental organizational and technical and general technical sets of standards; pursuance of scientific and research work and other standardization activities of general state importance; involvement in state control and supervision over observance of mandatory requirements specified in state standards; compiling and maintenance of the federal collection of state standards, all-Russian classifiers for technical and economic information, international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization, national standards of other countries as well as the State register of products and services marked by a mark of conformity with state standards; other state standardization activities established by the Government of the Russian Federation. 2. Such sources for financing of state standardization activities, state control and supervision over observance of mandatory requirements specified in state standards may be used as means obtained as specified from the sale of published (republished) state standards, all-Russian classifiers for technical and economic information, published (republished) all-Russian classifiers for products and services incorporated into the State register of products and services marked by a mark of conformity with state standards as well as part of means obtained as a result of penalties imposed for violation of provisions of this Law sent to Gosstandart of Russia. The specific size of the sum sent to Gosstandart of Russia as a result of penalties imposed for violation of provisions of this Law shall be established by legislative acts of the Russian Federation. 3. When developing federal and other state programs funded wholly or partially from the republican budget of the Russian Federation including programs for creation and development of production of defense products, the sections for normative support of quality of products (operations, services) should be envisaged. Article 16. Stimulation for application of state standards 1. The state shall guarantee the economic support and stimulation to subjects of economic activity which produce products (render services) marked with a mark of conformity with state standards including state standards containing preliminary perspective requirements anticipating possibilities of traditional technologies. 2. Measures for economic support and stimulation of subjects of economic activity producing products (rendering services) according to clause 1 of this Article and having licenses to mark products (services) with a mark of conformity with state standards shall be established as stipulated by legislative acts of the Russian Federation. President of the Russian Federation B. Eltsin Moscow, House of Councils of Russia June 10, 1993 № 5154-I | | ||||||||||||||
© 1997 INO «IQC» - GOST R certification in Russia. Russian certificate of compliance, gost certificate of quality in certification system GOST R (Rostechnadzor). Russian testing lab Rostest.