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FEDERAL LAW № 5154-I of June 10, 1993 (with amendments of December 27, 1995) “On standardization” RF Supreme Council enactment “On introduction of the law of the Russian Federation “On standardization”” № 5156-I of June 10, 1993 This Law establishes legal fundamentals for standardization in the Russian Federation mandatory for all state management bodies as well as for businesses and entrepreneurs (hereinafter referred to as subjects of economic activity), public affiliations and specifies measures for state protection of consumer and state interests through development and application of normative documents on standardization. Section 1 General provisions Article I Concept of standardization Standardization is activity of establishing norms, rules and characteristics (hereinafter referred to as requirements) to ensure: safety of products, operations and services for environment, human life, health and property; technical and information compatibility as well as interchangeability of products; quality of products, operations and services in line with the state of the art of science and technology; uniformity of measurements; economy of all types of resources; safety of economic entities with due regard of risk of naturally and technogenically occurring catastrophes and other emergency situations; defensibility and mobilization readiness of the country. Article 2. Legislation of the Russian Federation on standardization This Law and legislative acts of the Russian Federation issued in pursuance of it shall regulate relations in the area of standardization. This Law shall not regulate relations specified in state educational standards. Article 3. International agreements The international agreement of the Russian Federation specifies other rules than those contained in legislation of the Russian Federation, the rules of the international agreement shall apply. Article 4. Organization of operations in standardization 1. The Committee of the Russian Federation for standardization, metrology and russian certification (Gosstandart of Russia) shall be responsible for state management of standardization in the Russian Federation including coordination with state management bodies of the Russian Federation, interrelations with authorities of republics within the Russian Federation, areas, regions, autonomous region, autonomous districts, cities, with public affiliations including technical committees on standardization and subjects of economic activity. Gosstandart of Russia shall shape and pursue the state policy in the area of standardization, perform state control and supervision over observance of mandatory requirements specified in state standards, participate in international (regional) standardization, organize professional training and retraining of personnel in the area of standardization as well as establish rules for application of international (regional) standards, rules, norms and recommendations on standardization on the territory of the Russian Federation, unless otherwise specified in international agreements of the Russian Federation. Other state management bodies shall participate in standardization activities within their scope of competence. Subjects of economic activity including public affiliations shall arrange and perform operations in standardization in pursuance of this Law. 2. Gosstandart of Russia according to this Law shall establish in state standards of the state standardization system general organizational and technical rules for standardization activities, forms and methods for interrelations between subjects of economic activity and with state management bodies. Article 5. International cooperation in the area of standardization Gosstandart of Russia has a right to represent the Russian Federation in international (regional) organizations involved in standardization activities. | | ||||||||||||||
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